DeafDigest - 03 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 3, 2018   -- angry deaf man says deaf people are ignored An angry deaf man wrote an article in a newspaper saying that deaf people are ignored and as a result, often become invisible. Well, quiet deaf people may be ignored, just the same as quiet hearing people. Aggressive deaf people are often not ignored. A picture is at:   -- 2017's most ridiculous deaf moment A web site listed 2017 most ridiculous moments. One such moment was when a college student body government wanted to ban clapping by hearing people - because it would make the deaf feel left out!   -- story did not say which deaf school There was a story about NASA that is hosting a space design contest. It said the participating teams are - Fairmont State University, Blue Ridge Community College, West Virginia University, a pharmateutical company, MIT, NASA interns - and a deaf school. The story did not say which school it was!   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Space Technology Hall of Fame honors the deaf 12/31/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- helping ASL and get paid for it ASL signers needed to help with a project about fingerspelling We are researchers in the sign language linguistics lab at the University of Chicago (Prof. Diane Brentari, Director), seeking ASL signers to help us with research about fingerspelling in ASL. Signers will be paid to help us annotate examples of fingerspelling from videos, using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service.f These annotations will contribute to a project working towards developing software that can interpret fingerspelling automatically from videos. Description of work -- As a worker on the project, you would watch videos in ASL and mark the fingerspelling you see in each video. -- All work is done on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service and workers on the project are paid for each video they complete. -- This is a great way to earn some extra money, and can be done anytime and from anywhere. How do you start? 1. Create an account as a worker on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk at: ty 2. Search for: ASL Fingerspelling Project 3. Complete a short training 4. Begin annotating videos Have questions or want to learn more? Email us at

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