DeafDigest - 03 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 3, 2019 -- reasons deaf do not watch open captioned movies Moviehouse owners are often disappointed that their once-a-week open captioned movies result in low attendance by deaf people. What these owners do not realize is that deaf people have jobs that conflict with open captioning dates. And also many see no point in driving 40-50 miles from their homes to watch an open captioned movie!   -- A TV news network afraid of Deaf Crab theory Deaf Crab theory is same as crabs attacking each other in the water tank. When a deaf group attacks another deaf group, it is the Deaf Crab theory. Anyway, Sky News, a British TV news netwirk tried an experiment with BSL signed news and had to drop it after receiving thousands of complaints from the deaf that don't use sign language!   -- deaf man arrested for gesturing A deaf man was arrested for gesturing his deafness by pointing to his ear. The police arrested him, thinking his gesture was a sign of disrespect. The police department was not too happy about the arrest and publicly scolded these arresting officers. It did not happen in USA, but in India!     Deaf jobs – latest update 12/30/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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