DeafDigest - 03 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 3, 2015 morning -- a big irony with a movie There are always movies when we see hearing actors play fake-deaf roles. But there is a twist with a movie produced in India. In the movie "Guddu Rangeela", the plot involves a hearing actress that plays a role of a hearing woman that plays as a hearing character that tries to play a fake-deaf role! It is about a kidnapping, that the hearing character, faking her deafness, finally admits that she is not deaf!   -- deaf man thought dead for 67 years A sad story. Donovan Calkins was born deaf in Australia. His parents thought he was mentally retarded and gave him up in 1948. Institutionalized for all of his life, he never learned to read or write or to communicate with other deaf people. Only just recently the Australian social services people tracked down his real family and had Donovan reunited with them. The family was happy, but shocked because for all of these years they thought he was dead! He was never mentally retarded, just that he never had a chance to grow and learn normally, like with other deaf people.   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   6/28/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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