DeafDigest - 03 June 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 3, 2013 -- a star deaf college athlete becomes a deaf doctor We have a new deaf doctor - Josh Reiher, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin medical school. In the past he was a star soccer player at University of Indiana. His team was one of the best in the nation and he scored key goals in some big games. He also played for the USA Deaflympics soccer team.     -- five interpreters in a Nevada court case A court case in Nevada involving a deaf man had five interpreters! The first interpreter translated English into ASL. The second interpreter, deaf, translated ASL into simple sign language. The third and fourth were backups. The fifth interpreter interpreted between deaf defendant and his attorney. Yes, the court case took much more time because of so much interpreting involved.     -- the deaf owning a Deaf Smith $5.00 bill Before 1845, Texas was not part of USA, and had their own money. When Texas joined USA, the Texas money became no good. Yet, there are people, both deaf, and hearing, that collect Texas money. The deaf collectors of the famous Deaf Smith $5.00 bill are Steve Baldwin, Harvey Corson, Larry Evans, David Myers (who owns two bills), Kenneth Rothschild, and the estate of Ralph & Frances White. How valuable is this Deaf Smith $5.00 bill? Hard to say - depends on the condition. (DeafDigest thanks Dr. Steve Baldwin, author, The Legacy of Deaf Smith, for this valuable piece of information! He is the nation's #1 authority on Deaf Smith history)     06/02/13 Blue edition at: 06/02/13 Gold edition at:

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