DeafDigest - 03 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 3, 2014     -- a serious lipreading misunderstanding in court A British deaf man, who does not sign and uses lipreading, was in the court yesterday. For some reason, he did not ask for an interpreter, and the court did not give him an interpreter. The judge asked him - "how would you plead to a charge of assault?" The deaf man thought the judge said "how would you plead to a charge of insult?" This went on back and forth for a long while until this communication misunderstanding was solved - and the deaf man gave his plea as not guilty.   -- demanding an interpreter for a deaf 8-year old soccer player The parents of a 8-year old deaf soccer player have sued the city of Greensburg in Pennsylvania for not providing an interpreter. Greensburg is a small city of 15,000 people in the Pittsburgh metro area. How much would an interpreter cost? According to the city attorney, it would be between $5,000-$10,000 per year. Why wouldn't the city provide an interpreter? The boy and his parents are non-residents of Greensburg, and all of the soccer coaches are non-paid volunteers!   -- a big dream of a young deaf actor Russell Harvard is a promising young deaf actor, already with big roles in TV and plays. He had a dream. He wanted to play a role as a wicked man! Why? He was tired of his friends teasing him, saying he was a too nice man as an actor. He is now playing a wicked man, a role on a Fargo episode on TV. Hearing actors dream of playing all and any roles. The same as with Harvard.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/01/14 Blue edition at: 06/01/14 Gold edition at:  

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