DeafDigest - 03 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 3, 2015 morning     -- a law protects hearing person after killing deaf Two years ago, a hearing person shot and killed a deaf person during an attempt theft of personal property. The hearing person thought the deaf person was reaching out for his gun. The family of the deaf person filed a civil law suit. Yesterday, this case was thrown out - becuase of Florida's Stand Your Ground law. Thrown out two years ago were criminal charges.     -- Louisiana says Commission for the Deaf spends too much money Inspector General Stephen Street said that there was was unnecessary spending on contractors and equipment by the Commission for the Deaf. Something to do with contractors being paid for using a five-cent tax on telephone lines by customers. It also said that Gov. Bobby Jindal and the commission both had a clash two years ago. Confusing? Yes.     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 5/31/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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