DeafDigest - 03 March 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 3, 2014 -- a new app to help the deaf pay their bills We all hate to pay our bills, and if we have too many bills, it may be hard to remember ones we paid on which dates, etc. There is a new app - Minus Bills Forecast; it was designed and built in Australia by two app developers - Toby Pattullo and Dean Hecker. They are deaf! They are planning to market this app for public use.     -- A big company serving the deaf files for bankruptcy Sorenson Communications Inc, the nation's biggest deaf relay provider, has filed for bankruptcy. It does not mean Sorenson will go out of business. It means they are asking to repay their bills in an easier way. There are six different types of bankruptcy. The most common ones are Chapter 7 and Chapter 11. Chapter 7 means company goes out of business. Sorenson has applied for Chapter 11 which allows the company to continue but repaying their bills. Whose fault is it? Very possibly the FCC for reducing, every year, the money paid to relay providers! Anyway, this has been a big shock in the Deaf Community today.     -- a lobbying group fights a deaf legislator Mojo Mathers, who is deaf, is the MP in the New Zealand parliamentary body, representing the Green Party. She has the support of deaf people in the nation. She recently flew 500 miles from the nation's capital to a small town for a radio interview. The Taxpayers Union, a consumer lobbying group in New Zealand, is very angry about it, saying it was a waste of money. Mojo told the party people she has to show up in person for a radio interview because a telephone radio interview is impossible. The lobbying group thinks she is just throwing money away! Mojo has the support of the fellow MP's. Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 03/02/14 Blue edition at: 03/02/14 Gold edition at:

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