DeafDigest - 03 March 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 3, 2016 -- student telling interpreter what to interpret Amanda Schuster, who is deaf, is attending cosmetology classes in Colorado. Her goal is to own her own hairstyling business. She was able to find an interpeter, but she was specific on what should be interpreted - meaning interpreter must slow down, the instructor must get to the point without talking too much about nothing! It has worked so far. For a picture of Amanda working on a patron's hair:   -- a relay provider closes for good, blames FCC Effective March 31, 2016, Star VRS, a relay provider, closes up for good. The provider spokesperson, in a signed video, has blamed FCC for the closing. Two reasons were given - a drastic cut in VRS rates paid the providers; second reason was that the bigger providers monopolized the market, making it impossible fro smaller providers to survive. DeafDigest worries about this trend, hurting the deaf community in the long run.   -- deaf woman not notified of fire in her apartment building The Macon-Bibb Fire Department (Georgia) is not too happy about a deaf woman not being notified of a fire in her apartment building. An arsonist set off fire in an apartment on her floor. The fire alarm alerter in her apartment was not working, despite her repeated efforts to have the apartment manager fix it. After seeing water in her living room, she called security but there was no response. Panicking, she screamed for help - and luckily a fireman on her floor heard it and rescued her. In fact when the firemen arrived on the scene, no one from the apartment office told them of a deaf resident!   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 02/28/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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