DeafDigest - 03 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 3, 2016 -- a ridiculous deaf lawsuit There was a news posting of Starbucks suffering through these ridiculous lawsuits. It mentioned a group of 16 deaf patrons filing a discrimination lawsuit; it explained that a deaf patron thought she was being laughed by a Starbucks barista. And that when the deaf person objected, the employee went into her face, screaming all these dirty words. And then she was ordered to leave and to never come back. A picture is at:   -- 250 deaf people go on hunger strike A large group of 250 deaf people in India went on a hunger strike - protesting lack of sign language communications at a collegiate-level academic institution. One protester said - We are not informed about jobs, workshops and new courses. The hunger strike ended when the institution director promised to look into this matter. He had previously avoided dealing with the deaf.   -- a comment on Certified Deaf Interpreters An interpreter posted a comment on an interpreting web site saying that Certified Deaf Interpreters are very important. The interpreter explained that while she is fluent in ASL, it is not her primary language nor did she grow up in Deaf Culture. This is the reason for the importance of deaf interpreters.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf woman raised hogs on a farm 05/01/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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