DeafDigest - 03 May 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 3, 2017   -- deaf-owned business becoming hearing-friendly Deaf people are always looking for shops and stores that are deaf-friendly. When hearing customers enter a deaf-owned business they worry if it is hearing-friendly! DeafDigest has mentioned Pepperbox Coffee (Austin, TX) a couple of times in the past. It tries to be hearing-friendly. When hearing people order coffee, they are prompted to the wall menu where deaf baristas can see, or use white dry-erase boards. Many deaf-owned businesses use hearing employees to communicate with the public. This is why Pepperbox Coffee has a big challenge - 100 percent hearing-friendly. Another picture is at:   -- a puzzling state legislator Arizona state Rep. Lela Alston is becoming more and more late-deafened. She admitted it was more difficult for her to follow discussions on the floor re proposed bills. She also said hearing aids do not help much. This is the reason she does not participate in discussions. This is a puzzler - why wouldn't she ask for real-time captions? Too proud or too embarrassed to reveal her deafness or being in self-denial? Years ago Maryland had a deaf legislator; not able to follow discussions, she got bored and often did sewing of her clothes on her legislator's table!   -- a famous movie and the deaf needs One of the most famous movies ever made was Fahrenheit 451 (produced in 1966). It is about a dictatorship government burning all books that citizens own and read. Is it the same as University of California taking down all videos just to avoid captions? Probably so!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf Excavation 4/30/17 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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