DeafDigest - 03 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 3, 2018   -- British deaf and Polish deaf marriage-partnership Piers (a deaf British man) and his wife Magdalena (a deaf Polish woman) own a Bed and Breakfast inn called Summerhouse Bed and Breakfast. It is in Pensford, Somerset in Great Britain. They communicate with their deaf guests via combination of British, Polish and international sign languages. For the hearing guests, they use gestures, notes and picture charts. Works very well either way. A picture is at:   -- can get captions on two weeks notice, ugh! A Minnesota federal judge ordered The Fabulous Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri to provide either open or closed captions - as long as the request is with two weeks notice. Ugh! Yes, because deaf people may want to watch a movie at the last minute - and they are out of luck. Also, the judge may not realize deaf people hate captioning devices (for closed captions).   -- deaf performers in a forgotten skill Mime (or pantomine) is a skill that is being seen less and less nowadays. It was written up in a web posting. This is sad. Before Bernard Bragg became a widely acclaimed deaf actor, he was the #1 mime in the San Francisco Bay area, with his own TV show. Also there was another great deaf mime - Miko. And the World Mime Organisation has recognized the strong roles of the deaf in that field.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- McCay Vernon, remembering him 04/29/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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