DeafDigest - 03 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 3, 2019 -- falling in love with a deaf baking show contestant DeafDigest mentioned the other day that a deaf pastry chef compted on British TV's Bake Off: The Professionals. After his debut, he already became the "hot" celebrity (just like our Nyle DiMarco) and already very popular with the viewing audience!     -- interesting sign language survey A sign language survey was taken. It said that less than one hearing person know more than two sign language gestures. Really? The more DeafDigest thinks about it - many hearing people (especially the clerks) know the sign for the word "driver's license" while asking for identification. And many hearing golfers, communicating with deaf golfers, know the gesture for golf swing. Any other easy to understand sign-language words?   -- #1 fear of all police officers Every time a police officer does a traffic stop, there is always a #1 fear - that the driver does not speak English (foreign language or ASL or a deaf driver that does not use ASL). Regardless, almost all such scenes end up peacefully (no one wants a traffic ticket). A police spokesperson said police officers need to treat everyone the same and fairly.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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