DeafDigest - 03 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 3, 2018   -- first deaf dual-citizen hearing Olympics participant More athletes become dual-dual citizens in order to participate in the hearing Olympics. Outstanding deaf swimmer Matt Klotz is a member of the Louisiana State University swimming team. He was not able to make the USA team in the hearing Olympics beause of too much competition for the limited available spots. His father is a Hungarian, and for that reason, he may claim dual-citizenship with Hungary in order to swim for that nation in the 2020 Olympics. If he succeeds then he would be the first deaf dual-citizen Olympian.   -- job counselor giving the wrong message A job counselor was quoted in a newspaper story as saying: we want employers to hire, keep and fire the most deserving (deaf) person Is the job counselor really telling the employers that it is OK to fire a deaf employee?     -- reason employers don't want deaf forklift operators Deaf forklift operators operate the lifts just as good and perhaps better than hearing forklift operators. The big reason many employers won't hire deaf forklift operators is because they can't hear the sirens that warn them of dangers around them. Strobe lights will do but it is a device many employers don't know about!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf and the noisy highway 09/30/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:      

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