DeafDigest - 03 October 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 3, 2019 -- a shocking law A web posting today said: International sporting law forbids athletes with disabilities from competing against those who don't. Inevitably, some players outshine their counterparts despite missing limbs or senses. VOA’s Arash Arabasadi has the story of a man with disabilities who rolls past the competition. huh! We have many, many, many deaf athletes that play against the hearing. Gallaudet plays against hearing in ALL sports. International law? Says who?     -- confusing wording on captioning equipment A multi-screen theatrical complex said: At least one theater has equipment for the hearing-impaired This wording is confusing. "At least" means one or more - and what if we went to one theater to watch a certain movie and there is no captioning equipment for it? Guess, this is the reason why we have so many ADA attorneys fighting it out in the courts.     -- fake-CI hearing actor Bryton James, not deaf, is an actor; he plays the Devon role in the "The Young and the Restless" soap opera. Many fans thought he was actually deaf because of the fake-CI that he wore on the TV series! He said in that role he still wears the CI that has since then been hidden. Adding a fake-hidden-CI to a fake-visible-CI !     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/29/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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