DeafDigest - 03 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 3, 2013 -- a deaf man in a forensics crime field We watch these TV programs - Criminal Minds, Bones, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, etc - and we know that the forensics labs help solve crimes. Do we have a deaf person working in the real forensics field? Graham Williams, who is deaf, teaches Forensic Science at the University of Huddersfield in England. Before his teaching job, he worked for the Forensic Science Service, a British agency - before budget cuts closed it up for good last year. He communicates orally and knows no sign language.     -- A busy Deaflymics president The new Deaflympics president is a deaf Russian, Valery Rukhledev. In the past, being the Deaflympics president was a part time job, but it seems to be a full time job with Valery. Do look at his travel schedule for this month, all on Deaflympics business - September 4th - flying to Argentina September 20th - flying to London September 23rd - flying to New York and between these trips, meeting with the Russian government officials to urge them to host the 2015 Winter Deaflympics.     -- Sometimes a problem with interpreters for deaf in the courtroom Always from time to time a deaf person, in the courtroom, does not understand ASL or any other forms of sign language, and cannot follow CART. What is the judge going to do? In extreme cases, hire an interpreter thouands of miles away to come to the court room to try to interpret for that deaf fellow. One deaf interpreter did - flew from the West Coast to the East Coast to try to interpret. Did it work? In that case, no!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/01/13 Blue edition at: 09/01/13 Gold edition at:

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