DeafDigest - 03 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 3, 2020 -- a phrase, an insult or not an insult If a hearing person calls a deaf person as "deafie" it is an insult If a deaf person calls his deaf friend as "deafie" it is not an insult This was the issue a deaf writer wrote in her column.   -- backing up and removing mask A deaf person said that many courteous hearing people would back up (to provide more space) and then remove the mask - in order to communicate better. That deaf person said backing up is not always possible in tight public spaces!   -- lip reading allowed or not allowed A hearing man was convicted of a crime. He filed an appeal in Iowa, saying witness's lip reading of his comments as caught on video, should not be allowed. The Iowa Court of Appeals disagreed, saying the lip reader's description would be allowed. This may be the reason why we have professional lip readers!     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/30/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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