DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 4, 2012
-- Big reason to vote for Dummy Hoy in Baseball Hall of Fame!
Deaf people wanted Dummy Hoy to be in the Baseball Hall
of Fame. No luck. The Hall of Fame Old-Timers Committee
probably did not realize that Hoy was the best base stealer in
19th century baseball. Many ball players did not steal bases
during that time, but Hoy did and he was the best. His base
stealing was more impressive than his .292 career batting average.
-- A hospital cannot ask a 7-year old Coda to be an interpreter
Few years ago a hospital in Iowa asked a 7-year old Coda to
interpret for her mother. Angry about it, the mother filed
a lawsuit and won $218,000. The hospital also promised to use
interpreters for future deaf patients.
-- Computer viruses can hurt us!
In the past it was impossible for computer viruses to
make us sick. Times have changed and it is possible for
a computer virus to hurt us. How? The Cochlear Implant's
program is connected to a computer. If the computer has
a virus, it can make CI go crazy. If a future hearing
aid is connected to a computer, same thing. Yes, pacemakers
can go crazy if a computer virus hits it. DeafDigest just
advises CI-users and hearing aid users to be more careful.
-- More deaf people complain about deaf-mute and deaf-dumb
For years, we hated people calling us deaf-mute or
deaf-dumb. We are deaf but many of us can speak and we
are not stupid. Two deaf people got angry last week.
In Malta, a deaf person told a newspaper editor to stop
using these phrases. And in an English hospital, a patient
saw this word in the doctor's file. He told the staff to
stop using it, and they apologized to him.
-- Future captioning looks like a comic book!
If you read comics, you know that characters' talking
are found inside "bubbles" near their faces. The
captioning future may show these "bubbles" and you may
think it looks like a comic book! A group of researchers
from China and Singapore is working on a new way of
captioning. They say it is easier to follow who is
talking, instead of reading the bottom of the screen.
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