DeafDigest - 04 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 4, 2019 -- advice for restaurant general managers There was a story today that was titled: D.C. Restaurants Could Do More to Welcome Diners With Disabilities Well, for the deaf diners, yes, they could always point to the menu for their preferences. This is only one part of the solution. The other parts are "daily specials" that waiters don't like to write it out. All the restaurants could do is to print out these specials and attach these to the menu. Some restaurants do, some don't. Plus another thing - questions such as "do you want your meat to be well done or not?" are often not asked of deaf diners.   -- big question for deaf that seek jobs Deaf people that seek jobs are aware of ADA and the need for interpeters. One big issue remains - are they qualified for the jobs that they seek? If they are qualified, great. Many unqualified job seekers (no matter deaf or hearing) apply for jobs that they are not qualified for, hoping they would "grow" into their jobs, picking up experience and knowledge. Unqualified employees cause so much grief for themselves, for their employers and for their fellow employees!   -- deaf lipreaders or hearing lipreaders There was a story today of a movie "The Tango of the Widower" filmed in 1967 but never finished nor shown in public. There was no money in the budget to put in sound. The old film, collecting dust, was discovered recently. The production company, re-working the film, hired lipreaders to try to put in correct voice dialogue. Did the company hire deaf lipraders or hearing lipreaders? ADA? The movie was filmed in Chile.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/31/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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