DeafDigest - 04 August 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 4, 2017   -- seven hour deaf wait in hospital in Spain A deaf man was admitted to an emergency room in a hospital in Spain. The front desk knew that the patient was deaf - but never bothered to find an interpreter for him or to make sure he would be admitted when his turn came up. Instead the emergency room staff used a loudspeaker and repeatedly shouted out his name for --- seven ---- hours! This incident hit the newspapers, much to the embarrassment of the hospital! A picture is at:   -- White House tells ADA web site projects to slow down The Department of Justice, under direction of the White House, is slowing down its enforcement of ADA-complaint web sites. What this means is that deaf-unfriendly web sites will continue for some time. Not good news for us.   -- confession by a famous deaf man Deaf celebrity Nyle DiMarco has a confession - that during the America's Next Top Model TV contest, he felt lonesome and out of place while living in-house with other contestants. No one wanted to mingle with a deaf person. Fortunately he overcame these feelings and became a worldwide celebrity.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- dental association president 7/30/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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