DeafDigest - 04 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 4, 2018   -- sign language waiters, important or not important There was a story about an owner of a small chain of restaurants wanting to hire waiters that know sign langauge. There is more to the restauarant than sign language waiters. Is the restaurant deaf-friendly? Are the menus easy to point and show to the waiters? Is the restaurant lighting bright enough for the deaf to communicate with each other? Can the waiters solve problems and issues with diners wanting certain dishes? And most important of all, is food good or bad?   -- a dumb clerk A couple went to the court to apply for a marriage license. The man was from New Mexico. The clerk thought New Mexico was a country and asked him for his passport! It took quite some time for the clerk to understand that New Mexico is a state not a country. It sort of happened years ago at a national organization serving the deaf. The clerk thought Atlanta was a state and not a city. The deaf CEO fired her on the spot!   -- interpreting incident during interview A deaf man applied for a job and asked for an interpreter. The company told him to bring his own interpreter. He didn't but the company found someone that knew sign language. The interview didn't go well as the person who knew sign langauge was not qualified to do the interpreting. He felt that it was the reason he didn't get the job. As a result he has filed a lawsuit.   Deaf jobs - latest update 12/02/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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