DeafDigest - 04 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 4, 2019 -- the deaf and the Comcast There was a story that Comcast will use interpreters to communicate with the deaf. Just hope it all works out. Several times in the past years, DeafDigest editor used video relay to communicate with Comcast to fix problems with TV and with the internet. To make long stories short, these were big time ordeals that no one could endure. If there is a future issue with Comcast, DeafDigest editor will just walk over to the Comcast store and write notes with the customer service rep!   -- making it on the Forbes' Under 30 list Soleil Wheeler, who is deaf, and is well known in the hearing world-wide gaming community as Ewok, has made it on the prestigious Forbes' Under 30 gaming list.   -- New York Times Magazine's important person Matt Willey is probably the most important person that works for the New York Times Magazine. It is a thick magazine pull out that comes with New York Times every Sunday. He is deaf, and is the magazine's Art Director. He does not use ASL and functions as a hearing person.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/01/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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