DeafDigest - 04 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 4, 2016 -- a gift with two big ironies Flint, Michigan has a serious water lead problem. The deaf school is located in Flint. The deaf girls' basketball team had a game scheduled with Owendale-Gagetown HS. The hearing girls donated 250 cases of water to help the deaf school. First irony was that the lead problem at the school was already fixed. Second irony was that the basketball game was cancelled due to lack of players on the deaf team. The water was still delivered anyway! A picture is at:     -- a surprise hearing aid discovery The reflecting pond on the campus of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia was emptied in 2008 to clean out stuff. The clearning crew discovered a hearing aid! Did a student throw it away?     -- an accidental deaf invention Rubber was invented by an accident in the kitchen. What about Deaf Inventions? Mateuz Mach, 18 years old and not deaf, lives in Poland. He invented an app for rap musicians to communicate with their hand waves (hearing hand waves, not deaf hand waves). Someone told him - why not use the app for deaf sign language. Despite knowing nothing about the deaf, he was able to invent this sign language app!     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/31/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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