DeafDigest - 04 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 4, 2017   -- sickening picture at a fast food restauarant A deaf patron ordered his food at a fast food restaurant. One thing went wrong. Angry about it, this deaf person took a picture, that you can look at:   -- deaf-owned businesses in Austin A newspaper story said that there are about 30 deaf-owned businesses in Austin, Texas. True or not true? Hard to say. There may be full time deaf employees that operate their own part-time businesses on the side. Does that count towards as a deaf-owned business? And also - is it possible that because of inability to find a full-time job, a deaf person is forced to establish own business? When a figure (30) is given, then there are always questions!   -- relay center destroyed In Georgia, a relay center building was destroyed. It was the fault of bad storm that hit the building, destroying everything. Fifty employees had to escape the destroyed building, but unfortuntaly two were hurt. Both injuries were luckily minor. The relay operator is now looking for a temporary building. It is not known, however, if active calls were being fielded at the time of disaster.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf author, crime fiction 1/01/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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