DeafDigest - 04 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 4, 2018   -- a fascinating hobby by a deaf woman To see what this hobby is all about, take a look at:   -- the Amtrak train delay in Trenton, NJ Yesterday a deaf couple boarded the Amtrak for their trip back home in a New England state. An interpreter, who didn't know the deaf couple, sat across them. Since Amtrak had no way of informing the deaf of these PA messages, the interpeter volunteered to interpret. The train ran into trouble in Trenton, NJ and everyone had to get off to board on two different trains. One train was for New York and the other train was for New England. Without the interpreter, there would be no way for the deaf couple knowing this! Yet we see these Amtrak messages of their "deaf-friendly" trains.   -- troubling review of interpreters In a short newspaper story today, the Salisbury City Council (NC) said they will look into whether interpeters are needed and cost-effective. The wording - cost-effective is troubling. The need for interpreters for the deaf can never be analyzed from a cost-effective point of view!   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- hearing aid battery and the deaf 12/31/17 Blue and Gold editions at:      

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