DeafDigest - 04 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 4, 2019 -- hearing mocks the deaf and was fired An ugly incident took place at Taco Bell in Kettering, Ohio. A deaf man drove up to the window, handing the employee a written note of his order. The employee refused to accept the order, mocked the deaf driver and telephoned the police on 911. The hearing employee was immediately fired, but the damage was done as the incident was taped on video and became viral. The Taco Bell management is now asking for sensitivity training sessions of its employees.   -- Texas proposes a bill to improve the deafness wording Rep. Mary González D-El Paso (Texas) has introduced a bill to eliminate the wordings - hearing impaired, audiologically impaired, etc and to replace these with persons who are deaf or persons who are hard of hearing. Won't be surprised if this bill creates a furor in the legislative body!   -- pay for ASL course or get free ASL lessons An adult deaf person wishes to learn ASL. He is faced with two choices - pay to learn ASL at a classroom or to get "free" ASL lessons by going to a deaf social event as often as possible to mingle with the deaf and hopefully pick up their signs. Which choice is best?     Deaf jobs – latest update 12/30/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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