DeafDigest - 04 July 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 4, 2017   -- a coach fined for bullying an elite deaf female athlete Marcia Taylor, who is deaf, is an elite roller derby skater. She was a member of the national roller derby team. For some reason, her coach didn't like her and constantly bullied her, never praising her, never giving her coaching tips, insulting her, and worse of all, refused to give accommodations (interpreters, note taking, etc) for her deafness. As a result, she filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission - and won. The coach had to pay her monetary damages - plus apologizing for making life so hard for her. A picture is at:   -- unusual scene at a prison Prisons are not a safe place for prisoners, especially deaf prisoners - hostile inmates and correctional officers who do not communicate with the deaf. Yet it was surprising to see a blog posting about a deaf prisoner communicating with the officer in sign language! Rather unusual.   -- has everything except for one thing Cedric Hocepied is deaf and is from Belgium. He has everything - Master of Laws degree from New York University; Master's Degree from Universite Catholique de Louvain in Brussels; a Fulbright scholar, internship with the NATO and UN, fluent in several langauges. One thing is missing - a full time job related to his field studies. Only a few days ago DeafDigest mentioned a deaf CFO with #1 magazine The Economist. Discrimination? Yes, despite some deaf successes in Europe.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- an update; elected deaf public officials 7/02/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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