DeafDigest - 04 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 4, 2019 -- pocket pictures of signs The Rocky Mountain ADA Center is distributing a pocket-sized picture of signs for the officers of the Colorado Springs Police Department. Will it work? Hope so - not every deaf person knows sign language; the pocket guide has 30 different signs, forcing the police officer to scan all around for the right sign with the right picture; and even looking at the right picture the police officer may wrongly use the sign! What is the best way? Simple, find an interpreter!   -- our successful deaf people We have successful deaf people that are well known - Marlee Matlin, Nyle DiMarco, past NBA player Lance Allred, past NFL player Derrick Coleman, past baseball player Curtis Pride plus millions and millions of deaf people that hold down successful jobs, homes, family lives, etc. Yet there always millions of hearing people that think deaf people cannot read, cannot write, cannot drive cars, cannot find jobs, cannot have children, cannot deposit checks at banks, cannot go to college, and so on. We are not afraid of hearing people, yet there are many hearing people that are afraid of us! Very sad.   -- Life and Deaf Again mentioning Marleee Matlin, it was announced she will star in an upcoming Disney comedy - Life and Deaf. Plus she is the Executive Producer, the boss! She supervises the producer, watches the money, makes sure the production follows the deadline and the quality of acting is satisfactory. This is more responsibility than just being an actor.     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/30/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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