DeafDigest - 04 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 4, 2014     -- college president avoids being involved in deaf lawsuit There is a lawsuit filed by a group of deaf against University of Maryland, accusing the college of not providing captions in their football and basketball stadiums. For university president Wallace Loh, he is lucky as the judge said he will not be involved. Why? The lawsuit was filed before Loh became a new president!   -- cruel tribesmen holding two deaf women hostage! There was a theft of two camels in Sudan. A group of angry members of the Abbala tribe seized two deaf women as hostage. The tribe promised release of these two women when the stolen camels are returned to them.   -- honoring a deaf businesswoman in Utah Elise Whitworth, who is deaf, was honored as one of Utah's 30 Women to Watch by the Utah Business magazine. She is a partner with the Satdaya in St. George. This company helps clients with their website designs, marketing needs and events planning. She is the only woman among the honorees that live in the St George (75,000 population), located 300 miles away from Salt Lake City.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/01/14 Blue edition at: 06/01/14 Gold edition at:  

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