DeafDigest - 04 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 4, 2015 morning   -- deaf in "The Whispers" ABC's new SciFi/Paranormal TV program had a deaf character, as mentioned in last week's DeafDigest. While the program enjoyed good ratings, the plot was a disappointment according to a TV critic. The deaf actor (not sure if real deaf or fake-deaf) did a great job acting, but the program was not great.   -- a new word for oralists who don't sign Many oral people use sign langauge and some are good with it. But many other oralists don't use signs at all. Some refuse to learn to sign while others struggle with signs and give up. There ws a new word for oralists that try and give up - Signing-Impaired! This phrase was found on a web site.   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 5/31/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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