DeafDigest - 04 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 4, 2018   -- to be Super Deaf A speech was given at College of Engineering at Boston University. It was about creating better apps to help human beings function better in life. The only reference to deafness is helping hearing aids get better - but the hint was there - to help the deaf live better lives (captions, interpreting, removing discrimination, etc). A picture is at:   -- deaf can't work Why many employers won't hire the deaf? Because they think the deaf just can't do the job. This was the focus of a TV program about the need to hire the deaf. Sad that some hearing employers think that way.   -- fingerspelling is old fashioned, not used any more A magazine said: old –fashioned finger alphabet is now unknowr It was the June 1907 issue of Scientific American magazine, 101 years ago!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf people, true or false 06/03/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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