DeafDigest - 04 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 4, 2020 -- suggestions for deaf during hurricane season Summertime brings on hurricanes and destructive weather. For the deaf, a local weather service suggested getting a weather radio that has text display and flashing alerts. Plus notepads and pens to communicate with the hearing in case no interpreters are around. And also get access to VRS, emails, and text messages.   -- an interpreter never got formal training Tan Lee Bee is an interpreter. Her only family connection to the deaf is a deaf younger sister. They became close, and the interpreter learned signs by observing her at her deaf school classes and by her communications with her classmates. At the age of 18 she became a teacher of the deaf, despite no formal college training. Later on she traveled across USA, picking up sign language skills. She is currently the interpreter at government news conferences - in Malaysia!   -- a machine, a joke or not a joke We have read about sign language machines (actually computers) and have said these really do not work perfectly. And now this - a lip reading machine. A joke? Microsoft does not think so, and in fact has subcontracted with a tech company to develop this such a lip reading machine.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/31/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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