DeafDigest - 04 March 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 4, 2021 -- a finance company makes surprising comment about deaf drivers Bankrate is a finance company that advises clients on their financial needs. With respect to deaf drivers, in one part of their recent article said that deaf drivers can drive safely, pointing out to our deaf truck drivers as an example. Yet, in another part of that same article, it said that deaf drivers may face distractions as opposed to hearing drivers! Are we safe drivers or are we getting distracted while driving? DeafDigest always said that Deaf Drivers are Safe Drivers, trusting eyes more than hearing trust their ears!   -- The Economist says Tech Sector ignores the deaf The Economist is the magazine that professionals in world of finance, business and economics, read. The article today said that Alexa, Siri and others have not accommodated the deaf - and as a result they are racing against each other to catch up to win praises from the Deaf Community!   -- deaf GrabFood driver's nightmare A deaf Grabfood driver was bringing food to a customer, but needed help with directions to her home. He was trying to chat with her on the app, but it was turned off. He eventually got the directions and delivered food but with a very bad tip in return. She, however, felt very guilty about giving the deaf driver a bad tip. She then reached out to him and rewarded him with a very generous second tip!   Deaf jobs - latest update 02/28/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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