DeafDigest - 04 May 2020

DeafDigest Blue - May 3, 2020
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
At the Moscow International Short Film Festival,
one of the competing films is Akam, a horror
story involving a deaf boy.
What is sign language communications? An educator
at University of Victoria (Canada) said it is
from one visually orientated person to another
visually orientated person. DeafDigest is not
sure about that because voice interpreters are
not deaf. Another debate good for another time!
Interpreters that can translate from English language
but not from Irish language? Interpreter Amanda Coogan,
that lives in Northern Ireland, said she can
interpret English but not Irish. This was what she
admitted in a newspaper interview.
The National Zoo in Washington, DC has two new
Bison, and offered Gallaudet University an opportunity
to name one of them. The Bison is the Gallaudet
mascot, hence the opportunity.
A Deaf Theater advocate said the stage captions
must be of top quality, as opposed to shoddy
captions provided by public domain providers!
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
A restaurant waitress had a deaf couple at
her table.
She bragged of knowing sign language. What
did she do?
She fingerspelled something at about 100 miles
per hour! It was too fast that the deaf person
just nodded his head and ignored her.
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A hearing person introduced himself to a deaf person.
The deaf person thought the hearing person said:
I am from Annapolis
The hearing person actually said:
I am from Indianapolis
This week's ASL video in youtube
During an emergency, which is best – Text 911
or Voice 911?
Voice 911 is best, but deaf people cannot use
An advocate said if a hearing person is available,
then do use him to make that Voice 911 call.
This week's ASL video in youtube:
As more and more online opportunities become available because people are
working and learning from home, accessibility is important to focus on.
New technologies are emerging, and organizations are providing resources
and information to their communities. People are looking at ways to
caption and interface with videoconferencing software to make it
Captioners are trying to figure out how they can caption to YouTube,
Facebook Live, Zoom, Webex, and other platforms.
If you need something to be captioned in order to participate, please make
sure to let the people planning the meeting or event know of your need.
Much of this is new to everyone involved, and we’re all learning.
Gallaudet men's basketball history book for sale
If you have any questions, please email
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
What happens when a host organization invites a
distinguished individual to a big event only to
realize the person's deafness? Should the
invitation be withdrawn?
It happened to Susan Elliott, the deaf educator who
was the Colorado's 2009 Teacher of the Year.
The Singapore Ministry of Education invited her
to its Teachers' Conference only to back out upon
learning of her deafness.
After much uproar, the withdrawn invitation became
a re-invite.
Sigh !
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
DeafDigest dedicates this edition to Dr. Marcus
Delk that departed us. He worked on deaf-related
research projects on behalf of NYU and then
with the National Association of the Deaf
(Deaf Community Analysts) during the early
eighties. The book - The Deaf Population of the
United States was his biggest accomplishment.
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