DeafDigest - 04 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 4, 2013 -- rival national deaf organizations working together Could NAD, AgBell, HLAA, TDI, ALDA, RID and other organizations agree together on a legislative bill? Almost impossible? Yes. But in England, there are different national deaf organizations that are working together on one parliamentary bill. Why and how? British MP Sir Malcolm Bruce, a strong supporter of the rights and needs of the deaf, is retiring. He wants to introduce his final parliamentary bill and has asked these rival organizations to help him with it! Will it be successful? MP Bruce is hopeful.     -- a typical day of an interpreter in Washington, DC What is a typical day of an interpreter in Washington, DC? There is no such a thing as a typical day. A freelance interpreter said one day he may interpret for a meeting at a government agency, the next day, interpret for a political rally, and the next day, for a patient at a doctor's appointment.     -- a deaf competitor in a big bodyboarding event At the Rio Bodyboarding International 2013 event in Brazil, over 150 competitors will take part, all of them hoping to be the best in facing these huge ocean waves without losing balance. One of the competitors is Luciano Cunha, a local Brazilian. He is deaf and he qualified for the big event by qualifying in the sectionals. How important is that event? It is part of the 2014 IBA World Tour Grand Slam Series. The association said he is the first deaf competitor ever.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/01/13 Blue edition at: 09/01/13 Gold edition at:

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