DeafDigest - 04 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 4, 2014   -- nation's longest serving deaf TV newscaster is retiring Karen Meyer, who is deaf, has served as Chicago's TV ABC 7 Eyewitness News newscaster for 23 years. Her last broadcast is on September 28th. For a newscaster, either deaf or hearing, to survive 23 years in the volatile world of TV news reporting, is amazing. Why is she stepping down? Simple - she wants to move to California with her family. She reported on Disability Issues. Who is her replacement with the program? No one is replacing her!   -- Ellen DeGeneres shows interest in a deaf person Kevin DaSilva, who is deaf, and his fiancee Stacey Terrasi, who is not deaf, attracted interest from the the producer of the Ellen DeGeneres TV Show. This couple wants to have children. But because of Stacey's medical condition, they cannot bear a child. Instead they are seeking a surrogate. Interest in their case has built up nationally, thus getting attention from Ellen's staff for possible TV appearance.   -- an attorney asks for half-dozen interpreters A deaf man is awaiting trial in Oklahoma. The sign language he uses is not ASL. The attorney defending the deaf man has asked for six interpreters, saying communications with him is exhausting. The district attorney said it is ok. The problem is that interpreters for the deaf man cannot be found in Oklahoma, but is found in Texas. The judge is not too happy about lack of such interpreters in Oklahoma and wants the defense to look harder for them instead of having to go to Texas. At this point, the judge is waiting for the results of the interpreter search before making his decision.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/31/14 Blue edition at: 08/31/14 Gold edition at:

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