DeafDigest - 04 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 4, 2020 -- confessions of a deaf man that functions as hearing A deaf person (lost without his hearing aid, but functions as hearing with his hearing aid) said: I struggle to hear a whisper from few feet away if their backs are turned to me I use telephone but must have double amplifier Cannot always follow the topic (words, yes) on the telephone I am always having problems with certain frequency ranges And most frustrating of all, Deaf Militants hate me even though I use ASL fluently!   -- a perfect description of the hated facemask An advocate said: Facemasks are almost impossible barrier for the deaf That advocate is correct. DeafDigest editor hates the facemask.   -- wide range of CI device failures in percentages A magazine devoted to audiology ran a piece on CI device failures, requiring repeat operations. It said failures range from 4 percent to 11 percent. This is puzzling. While statistics are often misleading, it is surprising to see a statistical count of failures in this wide a range of seven percentage points? DeafDigest thinks this statement is too confusing to figure it out.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/30/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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