DeafDigest - 05 August 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 5, 2013 -- world's richest man punished for cheating the deaf Carlos Slim is the world's richest man. He owns the TracFone Wireless. He did not pay the California telecommunication fees for eight years. Part of the fees funds the state Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program. As a result, the state ordered him to pay $24.4 million. He has 30 days to file an appeal. Will he appeal? Probably yes.     -- VRS versus VRI; same or different? Video Relay Service or Video Remote Interpreting? Both are different. Relay providers use VRS. Interpreting agencies use VRI. At home or at work, we use VRS. At doctor's offices, business meetings, attorney's offices, etc, we use VRI. VRS is for relay calls away from you. VRI is for relay calls to a hearing person next to you! Deaf people love VRS and hate VRI. Deaf people complain VRI screens are uncomfortable and hard to see. Business people love VRI because it is much cheaper than hiring a real interpreter.     -- a CI is a risk for one surprising reason The CI itself is not a medical risk; the risk is that a 3-year old deaf child, running around and playing, may accidentally lose it. This happened to a British deaf child and the lost CI cannot be found. Yes, the same thing can be said for a hearing aid - but a CI costs around $50,000 whereas a hearing aid costs around $5,000!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 08/04/13 Blue edition at: 08/04/13 Gold edition at:

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