DeafDigest - 05 August 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 5, 2014     -- hope it is not a lemonade stand joke DeafDigest mentioned a deaf boy selling lemonades to get enough money to buy new hearing aids. There are already jokes on the web sites that either the IRS will go after him for unpaid taxes or the Food and Drug Administration will go after him to make sure the lemonades are safe to drink or the town office will go after him because of no business license. He is just 9 years old - leave him alone and let him enjoy the joys of childhood!   -- deaf muttons in England Some British people speak with Cockney slangs, that look funny to us. If they say something like "I am a mutton" then it means deaf person. Since mutton means lamb, so does it really mean deaf lamb? No. There was a famous American cartoon strip - Mutt and Jeff. For some reason the Cockneys copied Mutt as a deaf word! Language is often funny! The Cockney slang is dying, same as with many other slangs.   -- a deaf physician on front page cover of a magazine Dr. Christopher Moreland, who is deaf, has been featured on the front page of The Hospitalist magazine. He is a physician but specializes in patient care in hospitals. He does not directly treat patients but makes sure the patients get A to Z attention by different doctors and different nurses in a hospital. This is why he is more of a hospitalist, than as a physician! He works at the The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/03/14 Blue edition at: 08/03/14 Gold edition at:    

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