DeafDigest - 05 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 5, 2015 morning   -- late-deafened police officer loses his job Bruce Shields, a long time police officer with the police department at Reading, Berkshire, in Great Britain, lost his job. Reason was his late deafness. His supervisor said that he has problems telling the difference between "shoot" and "don't shoot". He has filed an appeal.   -- a French-speaking deaf woman A deaf woman was chatting with her doctor. He asked if she was born in France. She said she was born in South Carolina, and does not know the French language. The doctor heard her accent, and thought it was a French accent. He then realized the woman was deaf, with "perfect" speech. How would a deaf woman from South Carolina speak like a French woman?     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     8/02/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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