DeafDigest - 05 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 5, 2016 -- refusing restaurant reservation for deaf group In the Japanese suburb of Kyoto, a big city, a deaf person sent a fax to a restaurant, requesting a group reservation for himself and his deaf friends. The restaurant manager refused to make the reservation. He said that no one on his staff can use sign language and that it is not possible pass notes back and forth. He suggested the group bring its own interpreter. The very angry deaf man filed a formal complaint with the area restaurant association. A couple of days later the restaurant manager apologized, but still refused to allow the deaf group to come in. A picture is at:   -- father of deaf listening to deaf community We have elected public officials that have family members that are deaf - children or parents or siblings, or grandparents, etc. Most of these public officials do not really listen to the deaf - but one did - Rep. BrianDaniels, R-Faribault (Minnesota). His son is deaf and the family moved to Faribault to have him enrolled at the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf. The deaf community wanted captions in medical facilities waiting rooms. The law is made stronger with the language that says if a hearing person turns off the captions, the medical staff member must turn it on!   -- 211 is a joke in Connecticut As we all know, the Connecticut governor Dannel P. Malloy laid off 30 interpreters for the deaf. The state has a 211 number, in which anyone can dial it to get information on state services. If a deaf person dials 211, then no one knows what is is all about. Connecticut discrmination against the deaf goes one step up.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf astronomer, accomplished despite no formal training 08/01/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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