DeafDigest - 05 August 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 5, 2021 -- a deaf funeral director in Maine It was learned that we have another deaf person that directs own funeral home in Berwick, ME. It is Edward Bibber and he signs fluent ASL. The other one DeafDigest editor knew of (and wrote about it) was a deaf woman in South Dakota.   -- entering her second presidency Jane Fernandes, who is deaf, would have been the 9th president of Gallaudet University in 2006. It was not to be but she moved on to top positions at several universities, including being president of Guilford University (NC). Again moving on, she is now the next president of Antioch College, a private liberal arts college in Yellow Springs, Ohio. This will be the biggest challenge for her as the college has issues with low enrollment and with low endowment fund. This college closed several times in the past. Any connection to the deaf? The first president was Horace Mann, and there is a Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Boston.   -- very loud deaf participant in auction Even with interpreters, deaf participants in auctions (of any kind) seem to be at a disadvantage. The bidding process often goes too fast, and for that reason, the deaf person is often lost and confused. Well, in the case of a deaf woman who wanted to bid on a house in Pennsylvania, she won! She was so loud and so obvious with her bidding process that other bidders backed off and "allowed" her to win the house - at a price lower than what the auctioneer expected it to be.   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/01/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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