DeafDigest - 05 December 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 5, 2012 -- becoming deaf from smelling cigarette smoke! We know that smelling cigarette smoke can cause cancer. But do smelling it cause deafness? A team of researchers from New York University said that it can! Their advice - if you smell cigarette smoke, walk away! -- a future interpreter's big shock at airport Samantha Penuelas, who is a learning to become an interpreter, wanted to surprise her boyfriend who was coming home from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Instead, the surprise was on her. At the airport in Phoenix, he greeted her, and then on his one knee, proposed marriage, in ASL, not in voice! He learned just enough signs on his own to propose in ASL. They will get married at end of this month. -- a person that teased is going to jail A man, from Ohio, was cruel. He teased a girl that has cerebral palsy. Someone took a video of the teasing and posted it on the internet. The family filed a complaint, and the case went to court. The judge sentenced the man to one month in jail. Why is DeafDigest mentioning it? Because if a hearing person teases a deaf person, making fun of his deafness, then who knows - that cruel hearing person could be arrested! -- a crocodile scaring deaf kids at deaf school a crocodile, almost 10 feet long, was swimming on the Solomon Island beach, near a group of deaf kids during a lunch recess. The school director saw it and called the police. Yet, it took the police 2 days to come and investigate. The director was concerned because deaf kids cannot hear crocodile warnings. To this date, police is still looking for the crocodile. -- a new Knight making deaf people angry Malcom Bruce, the Parliament MP from Scotland, is being honored with a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth. They said he has helped the deaf for many years. But angry deaf people said it is not true. They said he voted in the Parliament to cut funding for the needs of the deaf, while at the same time serving as a trustee with a deaf service agency! They are saying he is a big hypocrite. -- position announcement Director of Interpreter Services Florida School for the Deaf and Blind more information at:     12/02/12 Blue edition at: 12/02/12 Gold edition at:

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