DeafDigest - 05 December 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 5, 2014   -- Deaf Oops The Fire and Disaster Management Agency, in Kyotanabe-shi, a Japanese city, wanted to test its emergency alerting system with its deaf residents (emails and faxes). The message "alerted" these people of an emergency crisis. Yes, deaf people were scared, but when they looked out the windows, nothing was happening. The agency admitted they forgot to put on top of the message - "this is a test." Making it worse was the 2-hour delay in sending this "this is a test" corrected message!   -- Matt Hamill's retirement and unretirement Why did Matt Hamill, the deaf fighter, retire and then a year later, come back? He said friends, coaches and his daughter would not leave him alone, begging him to come back again. And when he came back, he could not avoid pain and injury during practice and training sessions. He also said these pains were caused by 28 years of continuous competion (youth wrestling, high school wrestling, college wrestling and then professional fighting). He did not do well in his last match against an out of shape fighter.   -- a deaf boss in a job he loves John Merks, who is deaf, is the head chocolatier with the Mildura Chocolate Company in Mildura, a city in Australia. Why does he love this job despite hard work, long hours and struggling with production problems (machines do break down, etc) and dealing with problem employees? He said: I just love chocolate   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/30/14 Blue edition at: 11/30/14 Gold edition at:

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