DeafDigest - 05 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 5, 2016 -- shocker: police OK to rough up the deaf It is a shocker. The president of the Police Association said: Police officers are OK, and will continue, to use force if necessary Who said that? The Police Association in New Zealand. Just hope all police associations in USA disagree with this New Zealand comment! A picture is at:   -- deaf brides wanted (newspaper posting) below was posted in a newspaper in India: Bride Wanted Match for 27/180 smart handsome Gursikh Khatri Indian boy settled in Dubai. Hearing impaired by birth. Good knowledge of computers. Communicates in English and sign language, uses hearing aid to hear sounds. Contact (text address) DeafDigest respects different cultures from different nations.   -- confessions of a functional deaf person DeafDigest has mentioned several times about Richard Emerson, New Zealand's #1 beer brewer, who is deaf but functions as a hearing person. Speaking of his deafness, he said: Much of my beer promotion work is in special events where I get tired, trying to lipread many strange lips and trying to figure out what they are saying. These people forget that I am deaf. And also my speech is often hard for strangers to understand.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Auctions without interpreters 07/03/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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