DeafDigest - 05 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 5, 2018   -- written notes during an operation The deaf woman had an operation in a Chinese hospital. Dr. Wang Chun, part of the operating team, wanted to make sure there were no communication problem with her. He wrote notes to help her relax, and to feel comfortable, and to know if she was having pain, etc. For that reason, the doctor became "famous" on the social media. Why no interpreters? China does not have ADA laws that USA has. A picture is at:     -- wandering deaf child reunited with family 43 years later Mika Cheesman, age 4, and deaf, wandered away from her mother at the Penn Station in New York in 1975. The mother never found her. Two years later, she was put up for adoption In 1999, she began a search for her birth family. Last year the search became a success, helped by a private investigator several ancestral web site and DNA samples. She learned that her mother, still alive, had personal issues and was never the same since the day in 1975. That was the reason she never tried to locate her child.   -- nearly 15 Arizona assisted-living homes in trouble A federal lawsuit filed by the Southwest Fair Housing Council have accused at least 15 Arizona assisted-living homes of discriminating against deaf senior citizens when they wanted to apply for residence. It took the work of "undercover" people, asking questions regarding interpreters, and assistane with detailed paperwork and undestanding medical needs. These homes just did not want to hire interpreters or to make accommidations. These homes are located in Phoenix and Tucson.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- engineering marvels helping the deaf 07/01/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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