DeafDigest - 05 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 5, 2018 -- deaf woman nominated to be the DC Superior Court judge Melissa Felder Zappala, who is deaf, has been nominated to be the Associate Judge of the DC Superior Court. It does not mean she will be the judge; her nomination must go through the US Senate. The President was supposed to make a nomination but didn't. The DC Judicial Nomination Commission then nominated her. The US Senate will need to approve her. If approved, she will rely on CART to function in a courtroom setting. A picture is at:   -- speed dating/marriage, India style Geeta, the deaf woman who accidentally crossed the border to Pakistan as a teenager, was held for 12 years before she was returned to India. Even though she could not locate her original family, she has no shortage of young men that want marry her. She has whittled the long list of young men to 14. She is being set up for some kind of a speed dating/marriage session where she would pick the man of her preference as her husband. Are these men deaf or hearing? It was not mentioned in a newspaper story.   -- reason internet accessibility is difficult to enforce Does ADA law apply to internet accessibility (captions for the deaf)? Obvious answer is yes. Yet, difficult to argue in these ADA cases because of different factors - ADA Title III does not cover the internet; different ways businesses can accommodate the deaf without using the internet. Plus the Department of Justice has not set up rules on web site access.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- list of deaf judges 06/03/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:      

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