DeafDigest - 05 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 5, 2019 -- big reason Coda kids should not be parents' interpreters A deaf woman witnessed a terrible scene where a 15-year old Coda girl was forced to interpret for her deaf father who was in a hospital. There was no interpreter around and the hospital "forced" the Coda girl to interpret. The doctor said that father, because of his illness, only had a short time to live. The Coda girl had an emotional breakdown that required medical attention for a week.   -- Modern Language Association says ASL classes still popular The Modern Language Association said that student enrollment in different languages have decreased, or in other words, less popular. It also said that ASL classes are as popular as ever.   -- an unusual voice radio show Jon Smith, who is deaf with no real speaking skills, will be hosting his own radio show as a special guest. He is doing the show with an interpreter. It is taking place in Great Britain. Well, deaf people cannot listen to an interpreted radio show - unless they have interpreters with them!     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/02/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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