DeafDigest - 05 March 2012

DeafDigest Gold - March 4, 2012 Gold edition            Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 16th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Last week's ASL Videos with captions: This week's ASL Videos with captions: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Nexus S[tm] 4G from Google[tm] - One of the Fastest on the Market With a 1GHz Hummingbird processor and 16GB of memory, the Nexus S[tm] 4G from Google[tm] is one of the fastest mobile phones on the market today. The Nexus S[tm] 4G comes pre-installed with all the Google apps you've come to know and love and is enabled with new and popular features like true multi-tasking, Wi-Fi hotspot, Internet calling, NFC support and full html web browsing. Now priced at $99.99, after $400 Instant Savings and $50.00 mail-in rebate via Reward Card. Eligible upgrade (or new line activation) and 2 year agreement required. Other monthly charges apply. Find the Nexus S[tm] 4G from Google[tm] at the Deaf Pager Store, the store with the devices and low-cost data plan only for deaf and hard of hearing people. For more information, go to: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Deaf Cartoon (Fogey) of the week: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous ...... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Wireless IP-Relay for BlackBerry TM, go to: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The Z offers the best in videophone technology, providing equipment options to meet customers' individual needs and offering features not available through other VRS providers. Professional, nationally certified interpreters follow standards of service excellence above and beyond FCC requirements. Dedicated to a spirit of innovation and commitment to excellence, The Z continues to set the industry standard as the nation's premier VRS provider. Go to for more information on all of our products, services and features. Don't have a Z phone? You can still join The Z Life by calling 888.888.1116 to connect to ZVRS from any videophone! -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Gold section. ...... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - What the stories are saying about the deaf? Jack Clevenger, Prescott, AZ, was written up in a newspaper story as the state's leading advocate on behalf of the hard of hearing. He has been active with the Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and with the Hearing Loss Association of Prescott. Jill Hipson, a deaf British woman, is still upset with the bank. She purchased a car and arranged for the bank to transfer the funds to the dealer. It was an agreement she made in advance with her bank, and they told her it will be a routine transfer. It was not to be - she was told she had to use the telephone to activate the transfer. It didn't matter to the bank that she was deaf and not able to use the voice phone. She reported this incident with a local newspaper. The embarrassed bank then made the transfer funds for her because of public outcry. - Very Hot News Ken Harrenstien, the deaf Father of Google youtube captions, has been written up in the latest edition of the business magazine, Forbes. Because of his captioning skills, he has been admirably called "Caption Jedi" by his colleagues. Before he was involved with youtube captions, he was one of the pioneers of the early days of email, while working at the SRI International. He designed the Deafnet project that enabled the Deaf Communities of Boston, San Francisco and Washington, DC to email each other. - Thursday March 1st Do late deafened adults stumble and fall a lot? Yes, this is what the research teams from Johns Hopkins University and the National Institute on Aging are saying. Their findings were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine - Friday March 2nd Yet another deaf DNA study by yet another university research team, this time it was the group of Yale scientists coming up with a DNA that may have caused inherited deafness. It is called Mitochondrial DNA mutations. This study was funded by the NIH. - Saturday March 3rd The Indiana state senate voted to establish a center for deaf and hard of hearing, and it goes to the governor for his signature. Supporters of Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD)vigorously fought against this bill. But Hear Indiana supporters are gloating that after waiting 41 years, this center is overdue. They are arguing that ASL is not the only option, and that there are other options. The battle, however, is far from over. ..... Deaf Miscellaneous stuff: Emily Thomas, a deaf woman from Oklahoma, claimed to have learned to discriminate sounds and to speak within two years, after being implanted. This is puzzling because many deaf CI's take as much as ten years and that many have "given up" .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .............................................................. .............................................................. weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: updated every Monday .............................................................. .............................................................. WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR? Be alerted to every call & knock at the door with the Sonic Alert D8200 Doorbell/Telephone Signaler. Plug in your own lamp and be alerted by different flash patterns for different sounds - the doorbell at the front door, a knock at the back door, or the telephone ringing. Now 25% off through WCI - Weitbrecht Communications, Inc. For a catalog of all our helpful technology, contact: WCI ­ Your Source for Assistive Technology .............................................................. .............................................................. DID HUMAN RESOURCES PERSON KNOW JOB APPLICANT IS DEAF? A deaf person gave a job application form at the human resources office of a big company. Without looking at the job application form which mentioned "deafness" the human resources director talked, talked, and talked for about half hour without stopping. The deaf person was stuck because of no interpreter and no way to tell the human resources person of his deafness. He had to smile, and nod his head every few minutes during that half hour. And then the human resources person stood up and shook the hand of the deaf person and told him thank you for coming. What did the human resources person say during half hour? No idea! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) .............................................................. 51st Biennial NAD Conference Louisville, KY July 3-7, 2012 more information at: .............................................................. IRONY WITH DEAF OF DEAF AND DEAF OF HEARING MARRIAGE A deaf man, of hearing parents, was dating a deaf woman, of deaf parents. He broke up with her because he was afraid the children would be deaf. This disappointed deaf woman then married a hard of hearing man, of hearing parents. All of their children were hearing. This deaf man then married a deaf woman, of hearing parents, and expected the children to be hearing. He was shocked that all of his children were deaf! Deaf Genes marrying Hearing Genes - hard to say if children will become hearing or become deaf. - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) QUESTIONS TO ASK UPON GETTING AN INTERPRETER Say that you need an interpreter for a conference. There are following questions: *  Who pays for the interpreter? You or they *  Who provides for the interpreter? You or they *  Are the interpreters certified? Make sure they're RID certified *  How many interpreters are assigned to you? One if it is an extremely short meeting or two if it is a long meeting *  Would the interpreters be available upon demand? Having these questions answered in advance will save you a lot of grief! .............................................................. Dr. Steven L. Rattner, P.A. & Associates Are you concerned about yellow teeth and you have important events coming up soon like wedding day or lecturing seminars? * Britesmile - Same Day Whitening Technique in Office Do you dislike braces that has wires? * Invisalign - Clear Orthodontic Treatment to Straighten Your Minor Crooked Teeth Are your dentures loose? Does your denture tooth break off? Do you need emergency denture repair? * Same Day Denture Repair Service - Must Come in Early in the Morning and Pick Up at the end of the Day Are you scared of needles for new fillings? * Air Abrasion Technique does not require Needles for New Fillings What about for extractions, replace old fillings, and other treatments? * The Wand - It's a Lesser Painful or Painless Technique than Conventional Needle Technique * Nitrous Oxide Sedation - Provides Calm Environment Are you scared of contaminated water in dental office? * Brand New Self-Contained Distilled Water System to Prevent Contamination to Patients Are you a workaholic during the day and can't see a dentist at least two times a year? * One Saturday per month in Gaithersburg office from 8am to 1pm Are you tired of writing on paper when communicating or frustrated with not getting an interpreter for your dental needs? Two Full Time Deaf Dentists Proficient in American Sign Language: Dr. Steven Rattner and Dr. Bo Byun * Staff Trained in Sign Language Efficiency If you have any more questions, contact us at for Dr. Bo Byun or for Dr. Steven Rattner. Our dental offices are located in College Park, MD and Gaithersburg, MD. VP number in College Park office: 240-241-7186 VP number in Gaithersburg office: 301-637-2971 Our website is .............................................................. REFUSING TO HIRE A DEAF WEB GRAPHICS DESIGNER A deaf woman applied for a job with a graphics firm as web graphics designer. The job description said strong verbal communications is required with clients. And also the description said the open position is conditional, depending on economy and the business flow. The deaf woman applied for the job via email but did not tell the owner that she was deaf and may need an interpreter. She showed up for the interview, her deafness a surprise to the owner. He would not allow her to be interviewed. She filed a lawsuit on basis of job discrimination. The courts ruled against her - citing that the job opening was conditional and not a sure thing. LOOKING BACK AT A PAST DEAFDIGEST VIDEO (video with captions) Do enjoy viewing that video! OUR ORGANIZATIONS SERVING THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING We have many, many organizations, international, national and local that serve deaf and hard of hearing people. One such organization is: Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Government (DHHIG) visit: AIRPORT KIOSKS DEAF-FRIENDLY ENOUGH? Are airport kiosks deaf friendly? This is what the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) wants to know. We will see what rules the DOT people will make after collecting comments from concerned deaf people and deaf organizations. AN EXCUSE FOR NOT WEARING A HEARING AID I don't watch TV or listen to the radio so why bother with a hearing aid! .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of this section .............................................................. .............................................................. WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? After the implant, the deaf child moves one step towards hearing Huh! No deaf child automatically becomes hearing; it takes hours and hours of practice and coaching. It works for some deaf children while for others, it does not work .............................................................. .............................................................. 33rd World's Largest Silent Weekend / Interpreter Conference June 28-July 1, 2012 in Orlando, Florida -- 190 hours of classes for interpreters, ASL & ITP teachers and students with 3.5 CEUs available for interpreters. The Florida Hotel offers free parking and free in-room internet and resort fee waived. Next to the conference is an enormous food court offering you complete meals for as little as $5.99. Thursday pre-conference opening session is "Interpreter Guild" by Paula Browning. There will also be four separate entertainment venues concluding with a 4-hour post-conference session on Sunday along with language-focused and interpreting-focused classes. Classes include 6-hour tracks on Islam and Judaism plus an 8-hour track on Medical Interpreting by a Deaf physician. Many vendors will have a huge variety of items available. With many classes having breaks hourly, there will be an exciting and dynamic all-day flow of participants in the exhibit area. See for more information and for registration plus a video clip of last year's Silent Weekend. Almost 200 have registered already! ....................................................... ....................................................... ASL and Interpreting DVDs Go to for DVDs for ASL students and interpreters. Over 30 titles include two new ones -- Math Signs and Science Signs by Shannon Simon! Other DVDS include stories in ASL, ASL grammar, songs, interpreter preparation, etc. ....................................................... ....................................................... 11th Annual Florida-Alaska Motorcycle Benefit Run This is the World's Longest Group Motorcycle Benefit Run. Purpose of funds is to help families of deaf babies served by SKIHI. The 2012 trip will begin July 28, 2012. Go to .............................................................. .............................................................. Deaf Question of the Week: Q. Who pays for the interpreter at the doctor's office? A. The doctor. He cannot pass it on to the patient's bill or bill the health insurance provider. This is the law that has been subject to ongoing disputes in the court room. send your questions to the most interesting questions may be answered in future DeafDigest editions. Thank you. ........ Rene Pellerin's corner: I just received news that URelay closed their relay services due to not being certified by FCC yet. URelay also operates NexTalk relay which  is a popular choice of Deaf-Blind people. One Deaf-Blind individual posted a message in a group list and complained that he was not able to use NexTalk to make phone calls for 3 days. He asked others on the list if they experienced the same problem. Well, it turned out that there were similar experiences with other Deaf-Blind people. There are very limited relay services that are accessible to Deaf-Blind people. What bothers me is that URelay made no effort to inform their registered customers that there would be a problem! Worse yet, this Deaf-Blind individual was in the middle of getting his house sold! Deaf-blind people are not in the loop.....what a shame! Rene's show business is now entering its 2nd year and it focuses on the Deaf-Blind. You can email him at ....... Wish List of the Week: that every single drive-in restaurant in USA have a special push button at the kiosks to inform the inside staff that the driver is deaf ........ DeafHistory: Year 1836 - the Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, the father of Edward Miner Gallaudet, published a book - The Mother's Primer in hopes of helping the students on how to read ....... DeafNumbers of the Week: 34,000 there are claims in the United Kingdom that the deaf population count is missing that many deaf individuals. Blamed is social stigma preventing deaf individuals from "declaring" themselves as deaf! ....... DeafLibrary Resources Pah Road (as in our sign language gesturing 'finally') ........ DeafDigest Sports is at: do visit that site to take a look for yourself To subscribe, e-mail -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Deadline to apply is: March 16, 2012 position opening - re-announced State Coordinator for VR Deaf-Blind Services Atlanta, Georgia visit: or -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Manager Deaf Services The Center for Disability Rights Rochester, NY The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) is looking for a dynamic individual to manage the deaf services programs for CDR. The person in this role will provide oversight to the Deaf Communication Specialist Programs, Day and Res Hab, and SSP programs of CDR. Job duties include scheduling, program development, training, and overall oversight of day-to-day coordination of the habitation services, SSP services,  Deaf Communication Specialist Services, and staff supervision. Qualifications: -    Must be ASL  fluent -    Understanding of OPWDD regulations pertaining to the Habilitation Programs -    Be able to develop and implement systems that ensure the highest quality of service and compliance with regulations and OPWDD standards for service delivery. -    Must have reliable mode of transportation. -    Must be organized, detailed and flexible. -    One year of supervisory experience -    Must have at least a Bachelor's degree in a human service field. Mail, Fax, or Email Cover Letters and Resumes to: Center for Disability Rights, Inc. Joan Hart 497 State Street Rochester, New York 14608 Fax: (585) 546-1724 CDR is an Equal Opportunity Employer. People with Disabilities are Encouraged to Apply -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- open positions The Learning Center for Deaf & Walden School Framingham, MA *  Teacher (Walden School) *  Overnight Child Care Worker (Walden School) *  Dispensing Audiologist *  Billing Specialist *  Family Partner (Wraparound Program) All applicants must submit a cover letter, resume and three letters of recommendation and/or three references. In addition, please complete and submit an application (found on website - Inquiry Forms) to complete the application packet. Submission of Application: The Learning Center for the Deaf 848 Central Street Framingham, MA 01701 Attn: Personnel Department OR Submit Online: Each application will be carefully reviewed, and those candidates who are most qualified will be invited for an interview. The Learning Center for the Deaf is an EOE -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Director Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Pittsburgh, PA WPSD's current enrollment is 207 students, of which 80 are residential. WPSD is an "All Inclusive communication Environment".  We recognize that each child's language and communication needs are different, and we try to accommodate each one. We believe that some students' first language is ASL, and for others, it is English. To  meet their needs, we offer an environment where ASL, Sign Supported English and speech and amplification are used, depending on the student and the situation. the situation REPORTS TO: Executive Director/CEO of the Programs of the Western Pennsylvania School for The Deaf POSITION DESCRIPTION:    This position is an exempt, full-time, twelve-month position (on call, 24/7 during the school year) The Director is responsible for all aspects of student programming at WPSD including the academic, residential, technology, library/media center and counseling/evaluation programs. The Director supervises four Principals, the Dean of Students, Coordinator of Technology, Coordinator of Counseling/ Evaluation, Curriculum Coordinator, Mainstream Coordinator, IEP Coordinator, Reading Specialist, Coordinator of Children's Services, and Registrar. Approximately 100 staff are within these programs. The Director directs the development and revision of curriculum and works with other departments to assure coordination of curriculum sequence to ensure compliance with state regulations and to adhere to the standards of the School. The Director is actively involved with the recruitment, enrollment and retention of students.   The Director meets and consults with parents, school districts, intermediate units and/or other agencies in order to develop/provide appropriate programs for students The Director reviews student progress and makes decisions regarding placement and educational planning. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:    PA Instructional II certification in Deaf Education, PA Supervisory Certificate, M.Ed in Deaf Education or Educational Leadership. Extensive knowledge of educational needs of deaf and hard-of- hearing children.  Extensive knowledge of special education regulations and standards including the IEP process.  Proven track record of managing and leading academic and residential programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Strong communication skills including the ability to maintain positive relations with parents, alumni and the local community Sign language skills of applicants will be rated using the Sign Language     Proficiency Interview (SLPI); .Advanced. level skills are required at hire. PA Act 24, PA 34 Criminal Background, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances required.  Valid driver license required. SALARY Commensurate with other school superintendent-level positions DEADLINE TO APPLY:        March 30, 2012 APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application and resume to: Jay Knowles President Dragonswood Advisors, Inc. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 The Western PA School for the Deaf does not discriminate in its programs of education, employment, and all other activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, religion, disability, or gender preference. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- job opening Information Coordinator Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Frankfort, KY The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is seeking applicants for Information Coordinator for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The position is located in Frankfort, Kentucky. Minimum Qualifications: -    Bachelor Degree -    Two years of administrative experience providing services to the deaf and hard of hearing -    Good organizational skills with the ability to multitask Preferred Requirements: -    Ability to communicate efficiently using American Sign Language Duties include collecting and reviewing information pertaining to deafness and coordinating dissemination of information.  Identifying services available to consumers and develop a system to maintain current information useful to state agencies, parents, and consumers on a statewide basis. Maintain database information keeping it accurate and current as well as tracking requests handled. Maintain information on the web as it pertains to the directory. Biannually publish a statewide directory of services to the deaf and hard of hearing for consumers and their families. Maintain agency library to provide deaf related materials to constituents.  Oversee data entry and duties pertaining to the KCDHH Library. Represents the agency on boards, committees, and attends meeting directed by the Executive Director; other duties as assigned. Please direct any questions to Rachel Morgan at 632 Versailles Road, Frankfort, KY 40601, 502-573-2604 V/T, For more information please visit: Deadline for Application:           Open until filled The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in employment. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- job opening Interpreter I Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Frankfort, KY The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is seeking applicants for Interpreter I.  The position is located in Frankfort, Kentucky. Minimum Qualifications: -    Temporary/Permanent license as an interpreter issued by the Kentucky Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing -    High School Diploma -    Good organizational skills with the ability to multitask Duties for this position include providing interpreting/transliterating services for deaf and hard of hearing staff for meetings, conferences, workshops, interviews, telephone calls, etc., including one to one and group settings.  Prepare written translations of speeches, legal materials, and other instructional and educational materials. Participate in special workshops and in-service training activities to further professional development. Assist the Telecommunication Access Program in processing applications, working with consumers and understanding of the equipment being provided. Assist in maintaining financial documentation/filing and other daily office tasks. Assist the Access Center with projects, research and assignments as determined by the Executive Director. Conducts research and provides assistance on special projects as assigned by the Executive Director; other duties as assigned. Please direct any questions to Rachel Morgan at 632 Versailles Road, Frankfort, KY 40601, 502-573-2604 V/T, For more information please visit: Deadline for Application:           Open until filled The Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability in employment. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- open positions Austine School for the Deaf/Vermont Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Brattleboro, VT Due to an expanding program we are looking for dedicated professionals to provide support and services to Deaf & Hard of Hearing students and individuals. We are now interviewing all qualified applicants for the following positions. - Educational Interpreter Location: Brattleboro, VT, public high school Time Base: Full Time Qualifications: - College degree and completion of an interpreter training program preferred. - Holds current professional credentials from the Registry of Interpreter for the Deaf, - National Association of the Deaf or other sanctioned testing system or willingness to work towards - National Interpreter Certification(NIC), must pass the NIC knowledge (written) exam within one year of hire and the NIC interview and Performance Exam within 3 years of hire. - Educational Interpreting experience and other related interpreting experience - Knowledge of child development and an understanding of the uniqueness and development of Deaf and hard of hearing students. -Flexible with scheduling and other changes Valid driver's license and insurance coverage with the ability to transport students as needed Responsibilities: - Follow the RID code of Professional Conduct within an educational setting. - Work in a team situations with other interpreters to ensure the highest quality provision of interpreter services. - Prepare for demanding course material as necessary for successful interpreting/transliteration - Educate consumers about interpreting services - Tutor students as it relates to their mainstream class(es) when needed - Client Support Specialist for ACCESS for Deaf Vermonters Location: Brattleboro, VT Time Base: Part time; 6-20 hours a week, Monday -Friday. Temporary position till late March. Qualifications: - Fluency in American Sign Language - BA Degree preferred or High School diploma with minimum 2 years experiences in Human Service - Experience with deafness and deaf culture preferred - Drivers license and personal car required Responsibilities: - Teaching clients independent living skills(home management) and accessing of community resources. - Transitioning skills, employment community networking and on the job coaching - Communicating/meeting with home care provider, case manager and referral agency as needed - Providing crisis intervention as needed - Assisting with organizing and caring our social and recreational opportunities in the community Please send letter of interest & resume to: Kelly Therieau VCDHH, Inc. 209 Austine Dr Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-258-9510 Fax# 802-258-9574 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Career Opportunities PAHrtners Deaf Services Glenside, PA PAHrtners Deaf Services is a dynamic team of behavioral health professionals serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults. We take great pride that our program is strongly Deaf/HOH centered with about 85% of our staff being Deaf or Hard of Hearing.  Our staff environment is one of incredible teamwork and mutual support.  As a result, we are rapidly growing with new programs and expansions of our existing programs.  Whether you are a high school graduate, recent college graduate or have many years' experience in the field of human services we have a career building position waiting for you!  E.O.E. PAHrtners is looking for dedicated, motivated, energetic individuals who are fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community to fill the following positions: - INTENSIVE CASE MANAGERS: (Full time position) This position provides resources and support to clients and their families who reside in the community.  Duties: Responsibilities include assessing services needs of consumers, primarily children, to insure continuum of care; develop service plans; independent living skills instructions, advocate for access to public & private services and programs such as medical, vocational and other services. Qualifications: BA/BS degree in a Human Services field preferred; or High school diploma & 12 credit hours in human/social science with 2 years mental health direct care experience. Must have strong organizational skills; fluency in ASL, familiarity with other visual communication modes and language levels. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekends as needed and travel various areas in the community. Knowledge of laws governing the rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals including IDEA and ADA a plus; and must have a valid driver's license. - THERAPIST/PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION COUNSELOR:  (Full time position) This position provides therapeutic and psycho-educational workshops and group sessions for consumers who are deaf.  The qualified candidate shall possess:  BA in psychology, counseling or any other human services field; must have 2 years' experience with individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation including treatment planning and progress notes; advanced fluency in ASL required; must be innovative, creative and be able to work in a team environment.  Duties:  Develop, coordinate and provide group/individual therapy for wellness maintenance and psycho-educational workshops. - RTF RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS: (various shifts available) This position provides direct client services to adolescents, with behavioral health concerns, in areas such as independent living skills, implementation of daily activities, run weekly group meetings, implementing a behavioral modification plan, assist with homework/school projects and community integration.  Qualifications: HS + 1 year related experience (preferably with children/adolescents), valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; demonstrate competency in independent living skills; ability to teach, advise and motivate; strong interpersonal skills.  Qualified candidate will also be a strong team player who possesses a great amount of patience and dedication to working with adolescents. - RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS: (various positions available) This position provides direct client services including encouraging client independence in areas such as skills in daily living and community integration.  Duties: Provide supported living and training to Deaf consumers with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities living in the community; promote consumers' independence and social relationships. Positions open for weekend and evening shifts. Qualifications:  HS + 1 year related experience; valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; demonstrated competency in independent living skills; ability to teach, advise and motivate Deaf Consumers; strong interpersonal skills. Send your letter of intent and resumes to: Linda Claypool, Office Manager/HR PAHrtners Deaf Services, 614 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Email:  Fax: 215-884-6301 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - - Staff Interpreter - Los Angeles, CA - Staff Interpreter - Riverside, CA - Job Developer/Interpreter - Anaheim, CA - Job Developer/Interpreter - Pacoima, CA To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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