DeafDigest - 05 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 5, 2015   -- deaf woman rejected in a TV program Nina Poersch is one of the participants in the Survivor: Worlds Apart reality TV series. She has been facing two handicaps - only deaf person in a all-hearing cast, and she also is much older than others in the cast. As a result she has been rejected and left out by these participants. Her anger has led to arguments with them. It did not help when she was placed in a group of two much-younger women. People watching this program have sympathized with her.   -- a 74-year old deaf adventurer If you are at the age of 74, would you be willing to climb a mountain above 14,000 feet? Retired NASA deaf engineer Richard Dawes did - and he has many pictures to prove it! He was successful with his first winter mountain climb - at the Quandary Peak in Colorado. He worked for many years at the NASA in Huntsville, Alabama before retiring.   -- a software that invents new ASL signs Could a software invent a new ASL sign for a new word? There are always new slang words such as duck face, lolcat, hawt, selfie, photobomb, etc. When interpreters hear these words, and if there are no signs for it, they have to quickly invent it and hope the deaf person understands it! Software to solve that problem? Well, a new company in New York is working on such a software. Will it succeed? There are as many as half-dozen signs for the word "computer" and for the word "football"!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/1/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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