DeafDigest - 05 May 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 5, 2017   -- comments about deaf NASA zero-gravity experiments DeafDigest mentioned that a group of deaf men went through NASA zero-gravity experiments in the 1950's and 1960's. Their comments were interesting: I wanted to serve It was a wonderful time Rough water waves didn't bother us People in hearing group always got sick, deaf never got sick 100 Gallaudet people volunteered, but only few was selected All of these volunteers had spinal meningitis Interpreter services didn't exist Deaf participants didn't know what was going on I volunteered for the fun of it A picture is at:   -- functionally hearing businessman avoids the phone A deaf businessman, who functions as a hearing person, and able to use voice telephone, says he avoids the phone during serious business discussions. He said: using voice telephone or the relay service, I miss out a lot when discussions are serious; I prefer face to face discussions even if it means flying out to meet these people in person. He did say relay service is fine for small talk and light discussions.   -- gas, electricity, water and internet (or not) The new FCC chief hates Net Neutrality, saying it stops the internet from growing. He says internet is not a public utility like gas company, electrical power company or water company. That means monthly rates will go up, making internet too expensive for low cost deaf.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- plants named after the deaf 4/30/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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